My training schedule that I have been using for my first sprint triathlon is very simple. I started out by finding how long it will took me to swim .3 miles (which is 528 yards). I then found out how long it took me to run 5k (which is 3.1 miles).
I then created a percentage chart. I started with 60%. So for my first training session, I performed my training at 60% of the times that I had found above for my swimming and my running. I won't give you my times, because each of us is different and you will have to figure out your personal percentage. I also figured out how many miles 60% of 11 miles would be (which is 11 miles times .6=6.6 miles).
For the first 2 weeks, I train each event on a separate day. I start one day with swimming, then the next day I bike, and then on the next day I run. I will then take a day off to recuperate. Then I will start the process all over again but I up my percentage by 10%. So for my next training session I worked out at 70%. I then take a day off to allow my body to recuperate. The next thing that I did with my training is I then dropped my percentage by 5%. I then performed my training at 65%.
When I say that I performed my spring triathlon training at a certain percentage, I mean, when it comes to swimming and running, that I only perform those events for a certain amount of time. So let's say for example that when you first did your run, you found out that it took you 28 minutes to complete 5k miles. So for your first time that you train, you only have to run roughly 17 minutes. (I rounded up). You do this for all of your percentages. You gradually increase and then slightly decrease your times and amounts.
After you have performed your 65% training, you take another day off. Then I perform a mini triathlon. I performed it at 55%.
Beginners of Sprint Triathlons

For the next two weeks I up the percentages to 70%, 80%, 75%, and then I do a mini triathlon at 65%.
Weeks 5 and 6, I perform at 80%, 90%, 85%, and then I do a mini triathlon at 75%.
Weeks 7 and 8, I perform at 90%, 100%, 95%, and then I do a mini triathlon at 85%.
Weeks 9 and 10, I perform at 100%, 110%, 105%, and then I do my mini tri at 95%.
Week 11 I perform all three events early in the week on seperate days at 50% just to keep me loose. This takes up the first 3 days of the week, and then I take off the rest of the days until the triathlon.
My Beginner Sprint Triathlon Training Schedule
This program is nothing great but it has allowed me to get better and faster gradually and that is what I want to do. I do little things to keep me motivated, like when I swim in the pool, I count how many laps I can perform within my set time. I try to get faster and faster each time. The same is true with biking. I try to improve my miles per hour each and every time that I ride. I have gone from averaging, for 11 miles, 17.1 mph to 19.2 mph in just a few weeks. When I run, I keep track of my 1st mile times. I have a spot marked that is exactly one mile and when I reach that mark, I look at my time to see how fast I did my first mile. I try to get faster each and every time. After the first mile, I slow down to a more even pace. My fastest first mile time has been 7 minutes 25 seconds. That is not bad considering the first time I ran it took me 10 minutes 9 seconds.
So if this sprint triathlon training schedule makes sense to you, give it a try. I hope that if you do, you will see great increases like I have.
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