Sprint Triathlon Training Program Update

Triathlon Training Program Update
I said before that I am only a beginner and that I probably would make some mistakes along the way. Well, I don't think I made a mistake but I have had to refine my triathlon training routine. My late post dealt with my sprint triathlon training program for swimming and I said that I was using my original swim time as my training time for my percentages. But I quickly found out that you end up making huge improvements and that if you use your original time, (this is only for those who struggle with swimming, running, or biking), you will burn yourself out.

Triathlon Training Time Change
So what I did, is I did the swimming again and found out my new time. I then plugged this new swim time into my triathlon training schedule so that my workouts are shorter, allowing me more time to recover between workouts. This had made a huge improvement in how I feel and in my overall times in all three categories (swimming, biking, and running).

Beginner Triathlon Training Program
Soon I will post my complete program schedule that I am currently using for my sprint triathlon training. I keep holding off because I am only into the 3rd week of my 11 week program. Once I reach the 5th or 6th week, I will pass it on to my readers. I am doing this just in case I find anymore mistakes or miscues and if I do, I will be able to refine it for all of you. If you are a beginner and are thinking of training for a sprint triathlon, good for you! I am going to post a few things that you will need to do in advance to prepare for your training. I will give you a little hint: before starting a training program, start swimming, biking, and running for short distances. Your body should be slightly conditioned in advance to start a sprint triathlon training program. Get out there and have fun!

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