Beginner Triathlon Equipment List
I will keep this list short right now because I know I will probably be adding or subtracting from the latter. Since I have not competed in my first Triathlon, I have only done research on the Internet to see what's recommended for us beginners.
Of course, you must have a cycle. For now I have a really nice mountain bike which I have converted into a road bicycle. I have put on some very narrow road tires, I've have installed some nice aero bars, and I put some clips on my pedals. I plan to remove my front suspension fork and put on a more rigid fork. It is a light bike and so far it has allowed me to train pretty quickly. After this triathlon I will start training for an Olympic Triathlon, so I will go for a nice road bike to ride.
For swimming, I have a pair of wetsuit shorts and it's pretty much it. When I come out of the water I have a nice dri-fit riding shirt which is SLEEVELESS and has a zipper down the front. The zipper was created to zip down to the middle of the shirt so when I go to put it on, there is much room for my head and shoulders to pass through quickly. This shirt works perfectly even when I'm wet.
For the transition from water to my bike, I will buy a unique balloon so that when I start looking for my bike it will stand out from all the rest. I do not know what the balloon will be even. I am thinking maybe a super hero balloon or something.
I put a towel on the ground under my bike with a small bucket of water. I use this bucket to step my feet in, one by one, to get rid of any dirt or sand. I have another towel draped over my bike to dry my feet. My helmet is hanging on my steering handles and I have a pair of sunglasses hanging on my frame from off of my brake cables.
For my first Triathlon, I will use a good pair of running shoes for the ride and run. But I will not use socks. It takes me long to get my socks on, so I just slip shoes on when I have dried my feet off.
I have a water bottle on my bike and have some energy packages taped to my bike frame with black electrical tape, so I can just scale them away (which opens them also, nice!), I then inject them into my mouth.
Triathlon Equipment List-beginners
This is just what I have so far, and it may be the only items I need. I will add a running belt with more energy stuff, but I have not bought one of them yet. If you want to read about my sprint Triathlon training schedule for beginners, you are more than welcome. Check back regularly for updates.
Sprint Triathlon Training Schedule for Beginners
My training schedule that I have been using for my first sprint triathlon is very simple. I started out by finding how long it will took me to swim .3 miles (which is 528 yards). I then found out how long it took me to run 5k (which is 3.1 miles).
I then created a percentage chart. I started with 60%. So for my first training session, I performed my training at 60% of the times that I had found above for my swimming and my running. I won't give you my times, because each of us is different and you will have to figure out your personal percentage. I also figured out how many miles 60% of 11 miles would be (which is 11 miles times .6=6.6 miles).
For the first 2 weeks, I train each event on a separate day. I start one day with swimming, then the next day I bike, and then on the next day I run. I will then take a day off to recuperate. Then I will start the process all over again but I up my percentage by 10%. So for my next training session I worked out at 70%. I then take a day off to allow my body to recuperate. The next thing that I did with my training is I then dropped my percentage by 5%. I then performed my training at 65%.
When I say that I performed my spring triathlon training at a certain percentage, I mean, when it comes to swimming and running, that I only perform those events for a certain amount of time. So let's say for example that when you first did your run, you found out that it took you 28 minutes to complete 5k miles. So for your first time that you train, you only have to run roughly 17 minutes. (I rounded up). You do this for all of your percentages. You gradually increase and then slightly decrease your times and amounts.
After you have performed your 65% training, you take another day off. Then I perform a mini triathlon. I performed it at 55%.
Beginners of Sprint Triathlons

For the next two weeks I up the percentages to 70%, 80%, 75%, and then I do a mini triathlon at 65%.
Weeks 5 and 6, I perform at 80%, 90%, 85%, and then I do a mini triathlon at 75%.
Weeks 7 and 8, I perform at 90%, 100%, 95%, and then I do a mini triathlon at 85%.
Weeks 9 and 10, I perform at 100%, 110%, 105%, and then I do my mini tri at 95%.
Week 11 I perform all three events early in the week on seperate days at 50% just to keep me loose. This takes up the first 3 days of the week, and then I take off the rest of the days until the triathlon.
My Beginner Sprint Triathlon Training Schedule
This program is nothing great but it has allowed me to get better and faster gradually and that is what I want to do. I do little things to keep me motivated, like when I swim in the pool, I count how many laps I can perform within my set time. I try to get faster and faster each time. The same is true with biking. I try to improve my miles per hour each and every time that I ride. I have gone from averaging, for 11 miles, 17.1 mph to 19.2 mph in just a few weeks. When I run, I keep track of my 1st mile times. I have a spot marked that is exactly one mile and when I reach that mark, I look at my time to see how fast I did my first mile. I try to get faster each and every time. After the first mile, I slow down to a more even pace. My fastest first mile time has been 7 minutes 25 seconds. That is not bad considering the first time I ran it took me 10 minutes 9 seconds.
So if this sprint triathlon training schedule makes sense to you, give it a try. I hope that if you do, you will see great increases like I have.
Sprint Triathlon Training Program Update
I said before that I am only a beginner and that I probably would make some mistakes along the way. Well, I don't think I made a mistake but I have had to refine my triathlon training routine. My late post dealt with my sprint triathlon training program for swimming and I said that I was using my original swim time as my training time for my percentages. But I quickly found out that you end up making huge improvements and that if you use your original time, (this is only for those who struggle with swimming, running, or biking), you will burn yourself out.
Triathlon Training Time Change
So what I did, is I did the swimming again and found out my new time. I then plugged this new swim time into my triathlon training schedule so that my workouts are shorter, allowing me more time to recover between workouts. This had made a huge improvement in how I feel and in my overall times in all three categories (swimming, biking, and running).
Beginner Triathlon Training Program
Soon I will post my complete program schedule that I am currently using for my sprint triathlon training. I keep holding off because I am only into the 3rd week of my 11 week program. Once I reach the 5th or 6th week, I will pass it on to my readers. I am doing this just in case I find anymore mistakes or miscues and if I do, I will be able to refine it for all of you. If you are a beginner and are thinking of training for a sprint triathlon, good for you! I am going to post a few things that you will need to do in advance to prepare for your training. I will give you a little hint: before starting a training program, start swimming, biking, and running for short distances. Your body should be slightly conditioned in advance to start a sprint triathlon training program. Get out there and have fun!
Train for the Triathlon Swim-Time Percentage
The swim training program that I have come up with and am currently using to train for my upcoming triathlon is basically designed to help me peak when the triathlon occurs. Most of it is based on time and percentages. Now whether or not it is going to work out in the end, I don't know. But I do know that I am getting good results from it so far.
Beginner Sprint Swim Training for my Triathlon
Here is a breakdown of how my swim training works. I am not a good swimmer by any means so I had to come up with a way so that I could gradually allow myself to be able to complete the .3 miles of swim that I have to start out with in the triathlon. I had to do some math first. I wanted to figure out how many yards I would have to swim. Since there is 5,280 feet in a mile, I multiplied that number by .3 which comes out to be 1,584 feet. I then took that number and divided it by 3 since there are 3 feet in a yard. The number of yards that I arrived at for the swimming distance is 528 yards. My buddy lives near the beach so we found a starting reference point. We then used my digital range finder (which measures up to 600 yards), to find another visual reference point that was 528 yards away. We now had a pretty good section of area where we could train for our swimming.
The first thing that we did was we used a timer to see how long it would take us to swim the total distance. I had to stop a lot of times because I was not in shape and like I said before I don't swim very well. It took me 19:26 to swim that distance. That time is horrible but it has served as my reference time for my training which I will now explain.
Swim Training for the Triathlon
Almost my entire triathlon training is based on percentage and time. Here is my percentage breakdown:
Mini Tri-55%
Mini Tri-65%
Mini Tri-75%
Mini Tri-85%
Mini Tri-95%
I have used these percentages to create an 11 week training program that I use for all three events in the triathlon. Since I knew that my total swim time was 19:26, I figured out the times based on the above percentages. I then used that new time for my training. So for example, 60% of 19:26 is roughly 12 minutes. So for my first training day I swam in my pool for 12 straight minutes. I have an entire chart which lists my training times and distances for each day leading up to my triathlon. And I am using the percentages from above to get my times. I will show my chart in my next post.
I hope that I am making sense. You will also notice the Mini Tri's that I have listed above. Every other Saturday serves as my mini triathlon. I perform all three events, including transitions, so I gradually get the feel of competing in the real triathlon. As you can see from the percentages, you do have a couple of weeks where you actually train at 100% or above. This hopefully will help me to gain some extra endurance. But you will notice that my final mini tri is only at 95%. This should help me from burning out before the triathlon. I am counting on adrenaline and pure excitement to push me over 100% the day of the event.
Sprint Triathlon Training Program Summary
Like I said before, I will list my personal training chart in my next post, and then I will outline how I train for biking and running. It is almost identical to my swim training. I hope it works and I look forward to hearing from any of you, about what you think about my BEGINNER SPRINT TRIATHLON TRAINING PROGRAM