3 Weeks Left for My Sprint Triathlon Training

My Training Schedule for My Sprint Triathlon
I have been sticking fairly close to my altered training schedule. Since I decided that I was over training and backed off, I have been able to make better gains. My swim training is now up to .5 miles. I've decided to stretch my .3 mile distance to .5 so that I can build up some more endurance. I've done the same with my biking. My bike training for this triathlon has been the easiest part so far, and I am now up to riding 13 miles under near race conditions. Again, I've extended my bike training from 11 miles to hopefully build more endurance.

Sprint Triathlon Run Training
My training for the running section has been slightly different. Because it is the final event of the triathlon, I decided to only practice and train for the 5k. No more, no less. However, I make an attempt each training run to try and run the first mile as fast as I can, without overdoing it of course. Then I try to maintain fairly good speed throughout the rest of the 5k run. I've been able to increase my overall times by 1 minute and 35 seconds. I'm still slow compared to a lot of people but running is by far the hardest of the 3 sections for me. But I'm glad that I am seeing some positive results.

The Final 3 Week Training Plan for the Triathlon
My goal for the next 2 weeks is to continue to make better times in all three events. But now I am beginning to concentrate on really good swimming technique, good pedaling technique, and good running technique. I am also really focusing on my breathing. I have begun doing deep breathing exercises everyday to really expand my lungs. I am really hoping this will aid my lungs with getting good oxygen intact.

I have also began to do some ballistic stretches. I've done some research on static stretching and it appears that your standard static stretching can actually zap you of energy. So it is better to do some ballistic or dynamic stretches for loose limbs and increased power. I do hamstring hammers, leg swings, and a another type of stretching that I saw Michael Phelps doing before he swims.

To do hamstring hammers you need to lie down on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor near your butt. Raise one of your legs into the air and you straighten it. Then you push up with your other leg and this raises your hip off the ground. I perform 10 per leg.

I do leg swings by standing next to my bike, facing forward, and then I balance on the leg that is closest to my bike. I raise my other leg and I swing it as far forward as I possibly can, and then I swing backwards. I do 15 per leg.

My swimming stretch is pretty easy. I bend over at the hips and then I extend both of my arms out away from my body, like a T. Then I let my arms swing down and cross each other in front of my chest, and then I swing them back up again concentrating on trying to touch my hands together when the hands when they come near each other as I swing them as far as I can behind my back. You can do a search on the internet for Michael Phelps pre-swim routine to see what I am talking about. But this stretch allows me to really loosen my shoulders and it really pumps my upper torso muscles.

The final week will be a very light week of workouts, mostly just short recovery exercises. Like a few laps in the pool, biking for a couple miles at a moderate pace, and doing an easy jog for a mile. I am just doing these workouts just to keep myself loose.

I have made some alterations to my diet. I have been concentrating on eating more fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, watermelon, peaches, bananas, green pepper, and sweet potatoes. I have also increased my water intake and I have begun taking a good multi-vitamin. I will begin cutting out red meat from my diet with 2 weeks to go and switch over to lean mean, such as turkey, and eat more omega-3 rich fish.

Beginner Sprint Triathlon Training Plan Conclusion
So that is my current update for my triathlon training program. I am now starting to get a little nervous but I think that is good, because it forces me to stay focused. Thanks for reading and I'll update with more a little later.

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